Peter P. Bürger

Chairman and CEO

Peter P. Bürger
Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter

Very early on I recognised that working “enclosed between 4 walls” is not what I want. Meeting as many people as possible, communicating and travelling, that’s the way I like it.

Hence, I started as a field salesman for leading international cosmetics companies and some times later became long-time serving sales director within the French L’OREAL-Group. In that position I have introduced very succesful and paying-off “Incentive-Journeys” for customers and my team alike and experienced the benefits of conducting exciting “Event-Meetings” to build strong team-spirit, to enhance performace- and goal-orientation.

Since I founded [gmk] in 1995 these experiences gained with L’OREAL have become very beneficial to our commercial clients.

Now, since my hobby “travelling” has turned into my new profession I’m more than 300 days p.a. “on the road”. Alway in search of new fascinating travel-routes, outstanding hotels, culinary temples reflecting the cuisine of the region, and to create unforgettable “Events”.

About the equal amount of time I’m dedicated to make the “Conference- and Incentive-Travel” a big success at the spot and to accompany our “Exclusive Group-Travel”; enjoying it with like-minded people.

I’m looking forward meeting you.